Exploring a new church can be a daunting process. Don’t worry we have setup “The Hub” to help you navigate our church! Just click the link below and you will be taken to a page that is a snap-shot of everything here at LWF. So take a look and call, email or message us if you have questions!
Welcome from
Pastor Justin McMahan
Join us for our next 2 message series!
December Sermon Series
January Sermon Series
Join us in Person or Online
Every Sunday at 10am
Spiritual Growth Outside of Sunday
December is all about Christmas at Living Water, and we have several events and services you won't want to miss.
Dec 7: Tillamook Tree Lighting
Dec 8: Dream Team Christmas Party at 5:30pm
December 14th: Kids Christmas Rehearsal 10am
Dec 15: Kids Christmas
Dec 22: Christmas Sunday
Dec 24: Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 4pm
Christmas at LWF
During the month of January we collectively do 21 days of prayer and fasting from January 6th through 26th during that time we will have a daily devotional and prayer book to follow, that people can get a hard copy of or follow on social media and our website at the link below. At the end of that time we will do an all church worship night at the Coliseum Theater at 6pm. This will be open to the entire community. There will be no morning service for that Sunday either.
Prayer & Fasting
Part of our 21 days of prayer is that we do a devotional together. This year though we are asking everyone to join in a year long study with instead of just the 21 days. You will notice I didn’t call it Bible reading. Anyone can power through a few scriptures in our Bibles and an hour later not even remember what we read. This year we are doubling down on Bible reading and going all out by asking the entire church to join together in a YEAR-LONG-STUDY-PLAN! The study we will use is called THE BIBLE RECAP and there are several ways you can jump into this plan. Click the link for more info.
As you already read our prayer and fasting ends on January 26th and so on February 2nd we are going to spend a night of worshipping our savior at the Coliseum Theater in downtown Tillamook starting at 6pm. We will celebrate, worship and thank God that we can eat again and celebrate what he did in our hearts to start the year off.
Prophetic Weekend
Coming up on Feb 7-8 is our Prophetic Ministry Weekend. This is an opportunity for people who are looking for encouragement and direction for their lives to be prayed over and ministered to by trusted pastors who are gifted in the prophetic. This event will fill you with so much faith for hearing the voice of God as you sit and hear how God is speaking to each person who is being prayed over. We would love for people to come even if you aren’t being prayed over as well. For those that are interested in taking part time is running out so click the link below and get signed up!
Empower Night
One of the most misunderstood and controversial aspects of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is speaking in tongues. The Bible mentions and demonstrates it on multiple occassions, and yet, like the other gifts of the Holy Spirit people sometime fear or ignore them due to their lack of understanding.
At EMPOWER NIGHT (March 2nd at 6pm) Pastor Justin teaches in detail how and why the gift of speaking in tongues is a gift for today and will build your faith in understanding how it works and how we access it. This is a night for skeptics and believers and everyone inbetween to come and hear and if you are ready to be prayed for to receive it.
This night will start with a powerful time of worship from the LWF worship team and everyone is invited and encouraged to come worship and hear the teaching.
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